15 Rules That Media Relations Practitioners Must Know

November 16 20:10 2018

The following 15 rules is what Media Relations practitioners must know:

1. Do professional things with professional institutions and professionals.

Public relations marketing is a technical and professional job, and professional management must be implemented. Many companies in China have established professional public relations functions, and have key positions such as news spokespersons and news writers. For example, Haier Group has a corporate culture center, responsible for corporate culture research, and is responsible for public relations communication management; Kelong Group has established the Department of Integrated Communications and the Public Relations Division, which is responsible for public relations. Of course, companies can also outsource their PR distribution operations, which is also in line with the “professional” rule.

2. Conduct public relations planning according to the perspective of the media.

Businesses and media have different perspectives on news, including style, topic selection, material selection, expression, length, and layout. Enterprises like to achieve the goal of communication, easy to have an idealistic color, and the media should be integrated according to media style, content, layout and other aspects.

According to AC Newswire‘s corporates must be considered from the perspective of the media when conducting news communication planning, in order to improve the probability of news publication and achieve the purpose of information dissemination.

3. Establish a sound news release and dissemination channels.

News communication channels include many ways: First, the “wide release” model, such as the news conference of the corporate organization, the media reporters symposium, the media symposium, the online news release, the celebrity meeting, etc.; the second is the “specific release” model, Corporates directly pass news to the target media through interviews, phone calls, faxes, emails, etc. Even with the “widely released” model, corporates must track services to publish news that is close to corporate expectations, and the two complement each other.

4. Strengthen the plan management of media public relations communication.

Media public relations program management includes the following aspects: planning the media that are effective for this corporate, developing a rhythmic news propagation cycle, choosing the most appropriate time to spread, and determining the most effective mode of communication. Only through planning management can we achieve the long-term, orderly, rhythmic and unified nature of communication. Of course, even in the case of an emergency, whether it is a crisis or a good news for corporates, you should quickly develop a media communication plan.

5. Corporates should be active in communicating with the media.

The media is always looking for news and has a strong initiative. In a sense, corporates and the media are customers, and corporate responds to the media’s initiative, but this reaction is somewhat passive. Corporates should actively “manufacture” and “dedication” news, which is more conducive to optimizing the relationship with the media. More than 60% of the news in American newspaper media is provided by corporate agencies, which is extremely proactive, and the United States corporates today is the future of Chinese corporates.

6. Corporates should establish a multi-level dialogue mechanism with the media.

The multi-level dialogue mechanism here includes communication and dialogue between corporate and media at the grassroots, middle and high levels, and guarantees long-term and stable cooperative relations through mechanism. Practice has proved that corporate relations only “interacting with media grassroots personnel (editors, journalists)” is unreliable: first, good news drafts may not go up, and PASS (veto) is lost by middle and high-level leaders; second, journalists and editors write Negative manuscripts may “successfully pass” in the review. In other words, by communicating and communicating with the media at the top, you can cut off “unfriendly” news and news in the media, which will make it difficult for reporters and editors with bad intentions to lose “retaliation” corporate rights. The news passed the review successfully.

7. Corporates want to regard the media as their own customers.

Corporates should manage the media as their own customers, segment the media customers, study the needs of different media for information, market their own corporate images for different media, and should not stay in the use of various means to force their own sales. In addition, when corporates does not have the ability to manufacture information products, only the blanks of information products need to be processed by the media. The work of the media is responsible for corporates and readers (or listeners, audiences). At this time, the media is a corporate customer.

8. Know, understand and understand the media.

Corporates public relations personnel can only know the media’s thoughts and requirements if they understand the media, and can provide tailor-made news drafts suitable for media publication. By understanding the media, it is easy to create a good atmosphere of cooperation. I believe that the media staff will not like to work under the pressure of corporates. At the same time, corporates public relations personnel should also understand the inconvenience of the media in the spread of some news, do less things that are “mutually difficult”, and think of things in front of the media.

9. Corporates must have “news eyes”.

Information has the value of news in order to pass the layer of media review, so corporates should be good at making “news eyes.” This is exactly what the famous American communication expert Wilbur Schramm said: To let the media use your corporate events as news for free, it is necessary to plan smartly to make an event that might not have the value of news rich in news. Sex. In fact, for corporates, news that can touch the media “neurity” is often the following aspects: corporate leaders, innovative products and technologies, industry status, events, activities, corporate management methods.

10. Companies must grasp the best media communication opportunities.

“Time to find the right, do more with less”, media communication also to find the right time, that is, “corporates meaningful, media interested” timing. According to public relations practice, the following opportunities are most suitable for the development of news: corporate stock listing; corporate anniversary celebration; new product launch; new technology, new materials, new process demonstration; CIS import; corporates brand “changing face” (referring to the logo) Mergers, joint ventures, cooperation and separation; corporates encounter crisis events and so on.

11. Let the media maximize the understanding of corporates.

Only when the media fully understands corporates, will it not “walk the pen” in the creation of news, which is the most basic point to prevent mis-distribution. Therefore, whether it is to publish dynamic news, interviews, special topics or comments, provide the media with comprehensive corporate information (including sound, light, electricity, paper materials, such as corporates, products, brands, services, etc.), news articles, and even deep dissemination. Draft, this will prevent media workers from appearing in a partial and unobtrusive situation.

12. Corporates must provide “value added services”.

The media is working hard to provide value-added services to corporate customers to stabilize partnerships and vice versa. In addition to this purpose, the quality and ability of journalists and editors are related to the quality of news dissemination. Therefore, corporates should also provide media staff with “value-added services” such as training, travel, entertainment, and experience. In particular, invest in human resources and train media partners. In this respect, FAW-Volkswagen has done a very good job. Inviting experts to train test reporters on the occasion of the launch of new cars, so that journalists can also enhance their opportunities in the process of “cooperating” with corporates.

13. Conduct necessary media communication monitoring.

“Monitoring” here refers to the control and monitoring of media communication. These are two key links. The so-called control is to make sure that the content of the media report is close to the corporate expectations, or to ensure that the report does not deviate from the basic direction, and to take remedial measures against the consequences (negative effects) of the media reports being inaccurate and unobjective. Monitoring is to pay attention to the media’s reporting trends, timely discover reports about the industry and corporates, collect sample reports, make clippings, form media public relations briefings and summary reports, and timely grasp the authenticity, accuracy and influence of the reports. And communicate the problems with the media. These two links are very critical and closely related. Only strict monitoring can be discovered in time, and even control and eliminate adverse effects.

14. Establish a database of public media resources.

Media relations are a valuable resource and such resources can be reserved. The corporate should classify and manage the relevant media, establish a database, and update it in a timely manner based on changes in media personnel. This has the biggest advantage: to prevent the loss of media resources caused by the loss of public relations personnel or the termination of business with public relations companies. At the same time, corporates can also avoid being subject to a public relations staff, and there is no “hidden danger” in institutional reform and personnel streamlining.

15. Don’t ignore the online media.

At present, domestic corporates are still relatively weak in crisis public relations, especially in terms of finding crisis and dealing with crisis. By adopting the tools and methods of online media 365Agent monitoring, it is possible for corporates to easily and completely grasp the latest online trends about their own, market, competitors and industry, to find out the crisis and handle the crisis in a timely manner. Through the monitoring of the network media, information monitoring of more than 8,000 Chinese and English websites has been realized, and the information lags within 10-30 minutes. Users can freely specify any keywords of interest and follow their own reading habits. It’s time to send information to a designated mailbox at any time, so that the information needs to obtain timely and effective information, very convenient and practical.

According to ACNewswire.com survey results, the use of media public relations is the most important means of establishing a corporate image and brand image.

However, the media is also a “double-edged sword”. The media can be a wax that polishes the brand, or it can be a corrosive agent that stains and corrodes the brand. Like the people, the media has a “good” side and a “bad” side. How to control the media to take back the “bad” side and expose the “good” side is the important task that the media public relations must shoulder. Although it is not easy to operate, the work is concrete and realistic, because the elite corporates such as Microsoft, Intel, Haier, Lenovo, Nongfu Spring have set a good example for many corporates. Finally, China’s corporates are called upon to act quickly. Through media public relations, the media has become the “spokesperson” of corporates, constantly “gold-plating” the brand, and making the media a “cheap weapon” for corporate information dissemination!

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